Sunday, June 14, 2009

Turning 22

I never thought that I'd spend the night of my 22nd birthday sleeping in a storage closet on a dirty mattress in Thailand.  Well here I am.  Needless to say the housing situation has yet to be solved.  
We are still homeless but it is not for lack of effort.  In addition to the house on the border of the prison we have seen what feels like every house/guesthouse/apartment/condo in Chiang Mai.  Those in our price range are generally a bit sketchy.  A few highlights include an apartment building where we were assured that "most of the hookers have moved out" and a house that we were shown at night by the light of a cell phone flashlight.  (The electricity was not working.)  Soooooo the housing crisis continues and here I am getting flee bites in a utility closet.  

Who would have thought that 22 would begin here?


  1. Oh baby! I hope you work it out soon, Seguin and I think about you all time!

    It can only get better from here, I'm sure you'll have an amazing time.
    Love you so much!

  2. hey len, keep us posted on the apt search and we all miss you!

  3. happy birthday (belated), elena! love you and miss you!!!!
