Sunday, June 7, 2009

In the Beginning

I arrived this morning.  Simply stunning, the world we live in.  I will not stop being amazed by the fact that 20 hours on an airplane can land me in the middle of an entirely new world.  (Obviously though, Starbucks pioneered this frontier before I did.)  I haven't even spent 12 hours in Chiang Mai, Thailand but already I am confused, amused and a bit shell-shocked.  Just to give you a taste of what has happened over the last 12 hours.  
1) Everyone bows to me. (and to everyone else, but still...)
2) I ate multiple things that I could not identify including but not limited to, 2 fruits sold on the side of the road. One which looked like a magenta sea urchin and the other like an apple/egg plant. 
3) I got a Thai cell phone and now receive bizarro text messages in Thai. 
4) I had an entire meal for $1. 
5) My fellow travelers and I were shown an apartment by literally a Thai Saddam Hussein wearing a tank top and hot pants and playing a gameboy classic. 

Tomorrow I start teaching.  This is very intimidating and made even more intimidating due to the fact that I don't know what I'm teaching, what time the classes are or even how to get to school.  Luckily my friend Ted (who has been in Chiang Mai for the past year) is driving me to my first day of work so I won't be hopelessly lost.  On that note I think a shower is in order. 

Lots of love, 


  1. Ah yes, I've had those delicious sea urchins, and I did know what they were called at one point. Make sure to eat plenty of longans too, they're like lychees. Yum.

    I am so excited for you, Chiang Mai is incredible. And I will read your blog religiously.
    I'm sure Seguin will comment soon right below me.

  2. I am now commenting right below Selina.

    So proud of you! I'm now a follower of your blog (and would bow to you as well if I could see you).

    Good luck with the first day of teaching and remember to think like a taxi cab driver when you need to start driving (or moped-ing to work)!

  3. love that you have a blog...yehhh :) Well, the good news is that you probably won't be teaching the History of Thailand or Calculus III.

    I bow to you too!
