Saturday, July 11, 2009

Living Alone

Living alone allows you to be the weirdest version of yourself and no one is around to tell you how weird you actually are.  

My apartment has become something of an abstract installation piece crossed with allusions to Gabriel Garcia Marquez' insomnia plague.  In my diligent efforts to learn Thai I have begun to label everything with Thai words.  My refrigerator, my alarm clock, my pencils, even my shower now has the Thai words for "to shampoo" and "to shower, to take a bath" pasted next to it.  My room is filled with blue post-its stuck to everything labeling words that no matter how hard I try I cannot remember.  

Beyond that my at-home wear fluctuates between bikinis and Abuela-style-batas.  (aka awkwardly massive house-dresses for this not in the Pozzo-Del-Shepparo-Milou-Oroza clan).  It is ridiculously hot here and my meager pay-check only allows for the air conditioner to be turned on while I'm sleeping.  So here I sit, blogging in my bikini surrounded by blue post-its on all of my belongings.  

Don't you wish you lived here too?

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