Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Chiang Rai

Lauren and I have just arrived in Chiang Rai, a nearby city, for a few days of relaxation and tourism. Upon arrival to the bus station I foolishly called our guesthouse. Below is an artist's rendition of the phone call transcript.

Guesthouse woman: Sawasdee kaaaahhhh
Me: hello?
Guesthouse woman: hello?
Me: hello?
Guesthouse woman: hello?
Me: I am at the bus station. What is the address for your guesthouse?
Guesthouse woman: a dress?
Me: Yes your address.
Guesthouse woman: a dress?
Me: Yes. Your address.
Guesthouse woman: I don't have dress, only room.
Me: I don't need a dress.
Guesthouse woman: a dress?
Me: hello?
Guesthouse woman: hello?
Me: hello?
Guesthouse woman: hello?
Me: Where are you?
Guesthouse woman: No have dress.
Me: You where?
Guesthouse woman: No wear dress!
Me: Where are you?
Guesthouse woman: hello?
Me: hello? You where, you?
Guesthouse woman: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

[hang up]


  1. Hahaha. That's what happened when I called Eurana Boutique Hotel. I got transferred 4 times, to people with lesser English skills each time.
    Miss you!

  2. That made me laugh. Today I'm wearing the tie I bought in tie-land. I want to go back.
