Sunday, September 13, 2009

More Mayhem

Dear Diary, 

Lets put today in the loss category.  

About a week ago another Ajarn in the office had asked me to do her a favor.  3 girls in her "English for Tour Guides" class were failing and the extra credit work she came up with included them taking me on a tour of Chiang Mai's most famous temple, Doi Suthep, which sits on top of the mountain that flanks Chiang Mai. I agreed to go.  

Today was to be the day of our intrepid voyage.  Details were vague.  Earlier this week a young girl named May had come to my desk to discuss the plan for our trip.  "Ajarn, I will call you and we will make a plan."  I said ok.  English being what it is I interpreted her words to mean, "Ajarn, I will call you and we will make a plan."  Assume nothing. 

Never receiving a call I settled into slumber last night, ready for some much needed rest.  8am the phone rings. "TEACHHHHAAAA WE WAIT FOR YOU! WHERE ARE YOU??" This was the promised phone call.  This was us making plans.  

I threw on some clothes and ran to the gas station where they said they were waiting.  Next thing we were flying up the side of the mountain at warp speeds, every third foot hitting a severe right angle turn or impossibly steep curve. It had been approximately 3 minutes since I left my bed. Roughly 3 minutes after that I got intensely car sick and they had to pull over to the side of the road for me to throw up.  I had been awake for six minutes and I was vomiting off the side of a mountain.  Not quite the Sunday morning I envisioned. 

The rest of the morning consisted of me in various stages of vomit.  I vaguely remember the temple.  

Additionally.  Favorite student error of the day. Found while I was correcting their write-ups on diseases.  "Insomnia is a very complicated process involving body and Brian." 


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