Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Food Diary

For as often as I think I am deathly ill, rarely am I actually even a little bit sick. If I think back on my 22 years I can recall only a few instances of real infirmity. There was a Miami night in which I spent about 12 hours vomiting smoothie into a bucket. A bout of strep throat which wsa caused most definitely by my thesis. And lice. But does that even count?
I am currently on the mend from being actually sick. Rare, rare, rare. All I know is that I threw up a lot and then watched Law and Order for approximately 24 hours. Lauren in her wise way advised me to make a food journal of what I had eaten over the past few days to find the culprit of what I have decided was food poisoning. Easier said than done.

My mind immediately went to a meal this weekend during which there were live worms in my hot sauce. Live worms. Swimming. In the hot sauce. Served to me in a restaurant. Under the guise of food. Naturally I didn't eat them but even the proximity could have been the culprit.

A cold apple turnover, orange flavored eggs, about a gallon of condensed milk a day for the past 8 months, roughly 3 unidentiafiable "vegetables" at every meal, a smoothie (which brings me back to that Miami night), and fake chicken. Not to mention many odd treats which I won't try to label. So a simple food journal which in America might read things like, "cornflakes" and "yogurt," here has turned into an excercise in the absurd. What have I been eating? Is this food? Is everything ok?

1 comment:

  1. No, that was not food. It was live worms.

    But, this is what I was afraid of when we were visiting! Hope you're feeling bettaaaa.
